Dating with Crohn’s Disease

November 27, 2017 by Admin

I think dating in general is likely a difficult experience for both men and women, and trump that with dating and having a digestive disease, and it can make it seem insurmountable for some people. I am here to tell you that it can be done, and done well; successfully. You need to try and not play a head game with yourself and just commit to making it happen. You will potentially need to make a variety of coping techniques to increase your odds of success. I have included a few below:

  1. Choose restaurant that has multiple bathroom stalls
  2. Curb your voracious appetite for one night and eat lightly and make smart, low residue diet choices to minimize output
  3. Keep carbonation to a minimum to decrease changes of fans and discomfort
  4. Wear clothing you are comfortable in to increase your confidence throughout the day or evening
  5. Depending on the time of day you feel your best – pick that time for your first date
  6. Meet at the chosen location, so you have your car for ease of a quick exit in case of an emergency and confidence that you are in control
  7. Pick a restaurant you are familiar with, so you have menu items you are confident in
  8. Build slowly into the intimate arena, so your partner is familiar with your needs and requirements for a fun and successful experience
  9. For those of you with an ileostomy, here are a few gems for you: always carry a spare pouching system, eat lightly and avoid carbonation


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